Ballooning - Hot air balloons - Airship

Ballooning - Hot air balloons - Airship. Consisting of a large spherical and flexible bag made of waterproofed silk or rubber (rubber) or other suitable non-porous material in which there is hot air or some gas lighter than air, the hot air that has tendecia to rise by the difference of density with cold air, which applied to a balloon makes it rise, lower or maintain. As they do not have any kind of propellant, the aerostats are "carried away" by the air currents. The manned balloons admit one or several people who travel in a suspended car. Unmanned balloons carry instruments to measure and record various physical phenomena. The first balloons were filled with hot air and used to have a burner to replenish the heat. Modern balloons use hydrogen or helium or, in the case of hot air sports balloons, air heated with a small gas burner. The fuel that is used for burners is currently propane due to its calorific value. The balloon is attached to the basket by stainless steel cables. or you can "bind" any type of body, such as a sensor. The most common uses of the balloon are: Sports, Advertising, tourism and leisure, Meteorology, Distrutar landscape, Fairs. etc. In 1783 the first balloon flight was made with human crew. Built by the French brothers Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier, it elevated its passengers to 91 m above the ground. In 1931 is when the oxygen mask is invented and the man begins to climb quickly into space. In just a few years, the height record quadruples. On March 21, 1999 the Swiss Bertrand Piccard, along with the British Brian Jones go around the world aboard the hot air balloon Breitling Orbiter III without making stops, traveling 46,759 kilometers in 19 days, 21 hours and 55 minutes. This flight was a milestone in the history of aviation: it broke seven world records, and today, it is still the longest distance flight. The Breitling Orbiter III, whose cabin was 5.4 m by 2.2 m, was equipped with solar batteries, transportable radars that identified the ship with the air traffic control of each country, satellite guidance systems and VHF radios . He is currently involved, along with the also Swiss André Borschberg, in the project called "Solar Impulse" to build the first manned airplane moved by solar energy. The excellent climatic conditions of Spain favor that you can fly in a balloon in practically all of its territory (except, logically, restricted areas, such as security areas of airports). Basic material Globe, transport for this, monitoring and rescue. The balloon consists of a nylon fiber lamp, limited to 400 hours of flight due to the wear it suffers. The sail is formed by pieces sewn together with vertical and horizontal loading tapes. The lower part of the candle is fireproof to withstand high temperatures. The burners that carry the balloons are metal coils, fed by propane cylinders of 40 liters pressurized liquid. Each bottle lasts approximately 40 minutes, depending on its use. The flash that produces the flame of the burner can reach up to five meters in height; during the flight a small pilot flame is kept on which increases when the valve is operated. heating the air of the balloon. The basket is constructed with hand braided wicker, with a reforaded wooden base and reinforced all this with steel cables. The fan is only used to inflate the balloon on the ground. Stay lit by blowing air into the candle, until it has a suitable consistency to start heating the air and put the balloon upright. Then, the burner starts to work. Inflation and flight maneuvers are done between several people. In addition to ensuring a proper stretch of the fabric, you must download all the material and track it by land. A group of three or four people is usually enough, although this may increase in proportion to the size of the balloon or the trajectory of the flight. Equipment, warm clothes, gloves, protection for the skin and glasses, Altimeter., Variometer (measures the average vertical speed), Thermometer., Compass, Radio apparatus, Fire extinguisher: it is mandatory. The practice of sport In Spain, anyone interested in being a pilot at the controls of a balloon must be 16 years old, pass a medical examination, and have a knowledge test that will allow them to obtain a license. A minimum of 16 flight hours is required to obtain a private pilot license and more than 100 hours to obtain special authorization to practice in the commercial field.

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